in Tv Moments
in Tv Moments
What’s your favorite fake? (Part 1)
1.3k Votes
Dad being dad
1.3k Votes
Why don’t TV’s have screen protectors. The panel is the only bit that can’t be cheaply repaired
1.3k Votes
Spears are so effective and so simple to design, build, and use that I’d bet alien civilizations generally have a long history of using them.
1.3k Votes
People with the surname King, König, Koning or Koenig may have never had any royal lineage.
1.3k Votes
Getting cash in a birthday card probably feels like a gift card with extra steps for kids who buy everything digitally these days.
1.3k Votes
Fingernails and hair probably make a noise when growing, it’s just too small and slow to hear.
1.3k Votes
All “motion” on a screen is an optical illusion. Pixels don’t move, they only change color.
1.3k Votes
How about we all go in the back – S04E02 The Gang Solves the Gas
1.3k Votes
Hard knocks of a free market – S04E02 The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis
1.3k Votes