in Quotes, Tv Moments
in Quotes, Tv Moments
A lot of people never graduated high school (New Girl)
1.3k Votes
in Quotes, Tv Moments
Have you ever seen sex from above (New Girl)
1.3k Votes
in Quotes, Tv Moments
You look like a…. (New Girl)
1.3k Votes
in Quotes, Tv Moments
I commissioned a new negligee (New Girl)
1.3k Votes
in Quotes, Tv Moments
Where do you even buy sheets (New Girl)
1.3k Votes
in Quotes, Tv Moments
Are you guys hungry (New Girl)
1.3k Votes
in Quotes, Tv Moments
Fine, Schmidt… (New Girl)
1.3k Votes
in Quotes, Tv Moments
Life sucks (New Girl)
1.3k Votes
in Quotes, Tv Moments
I have a travel size (New Girl)
1.3k Votes
in Quotes, Tv Moments
Schmidt happens (New Girl)
1.3k Votes