you-can-think-in-any-voice-including-no-voice 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
jessie-pinkman-had-way-to-nice-of-teeth-for-a-guy-that-a-smokes-meth. 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
It’s okay to tell someone they sound tired, but telling someone they look tired is risky. 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
Being told “I hate you” , doesn’t hurt as bad as being told “I don’t love you” 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
retirement-isnt-an-age-its-a-financial-status. 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
There are too many people whose favorite freedom is taking away mine. 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
not-one-of-us-has-ever-been-completely-motionless 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
if-you-scroll-far-enough-through-the-calendar-you-will-unknowingly-scroll-past-the-day-of-your-death. 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
you can drink a drink but you can’t food a food. 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
in-toy-story-it-must-be-pure-agony-to-exist-as-an-unassembled-lego-set 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
calling-someone-darling-sounds-sweet-when-a-woman-says-it-but-down-right-creepy-if-a-man-does. 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
for-some-reason-zoos-never-include-moose. 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
nothing-is-more-worrying-than-hearing-a-crunch-in-your-mouth-while-eating-a-soft-food 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
The other side of your skin is wet 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
Shitting your pants is an immediate problem and an an immediate solution. 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
It has never been easier to get famous 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
Most of us will have a kill ratio of 0:1 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
Humans are lucky that our arms are long enough to reach our buttholes 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
its-kind-of-ridiculous-that-seat-belt-laws-exist-but-motorcycles-are-a-thing1 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
all-toads-are-frogs-but-not-all-frogs-are-toads 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
all-inhabitants-of-discworld-are-flat-earthers. 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
everest-must-be-legit-hard-to-climb-because-there-havent-been-any-influencers-who-made-the-trip. 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
there-are-probably-a-lot-of-unnoticed-boners-in-movies-and-tv-shows. 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
the better a dating app, the more customers it loses. 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
you-know-youre-an-adult-when-you-care-more-about-your-parents-health-than-they-do. 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
kind-people-are-often-kind-because-they-know-firsthand-that-life-isnt 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
for-all-that-mars-knows-its-having-a-robot-invasion. 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
gay-people-are-low-key-solving-overpopulation 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
they-really-never-made-that-iphone-9 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
Millionaires seem like the new middle class 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
before-tiktok-only-old-people-used-to-film-vertically 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
if-the-entire-universe-suddenly-ceased-to-exist-no-one-would-notice 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
elevators-in-movies-always-have-music-but-elevators-in-real-life-never-have-music. 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
we-greatly-underestimate-the-ability-to-make-a-perfect-watertight-seal-with-our-lips 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
its-actually-way-safer-to-drink-and-drive-than-it-is-to-drink-and-then-drive.1 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection
wiping-with-your-non-dominant-hand-is-an-adventure-in-coordination-or-a-lack-thereof.1 1.3k Points Upvote Downvote MoreReportRead LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to Collection